Thursday, January 7, 2010

How To Get Over a Break Up NOW!


It's the same question I asked myself for weeks if not months. I replayed the events leading up to the break up again and again. But really, how far can asking that question over and over really get you? After realizing the answer to that question, I was so angry I didn't try to actually DO SOMETHING sooner. Looking back I just wish I had someone there to tell me how to save a relationship.

Lucky for you guys, I'm gonna do just that. Now, I'm not trying to tout myself as a guru, but I did learn a thing or two while I was going through it all.

While this is NOT a complete guide on how to get over a break up, it will give you the tools to make IT happen.

Let's Break it Down

First things first peeps, you've just been torn apart from your other half by a tormenting break up. Remember, you're looking for help on how to get over a break up and not how to stay in Debbie Downer mode. Don't keep your emotions bottled up like your saving them for some Gran Finale that you'll ultimately unleash on your ex. Unleashing your pressurized emotions on them, logically, is not going to end purdy for either of you. I found that confiding in a close friend or family member can and does relieve a lot of tension. If, like me, you're not big on the whole letting-people-know-it-really-does-hurt thing, there are an infinite amount of good people on the internet that know the do's and do not''s of how to get over a break up.

So...What do I propose you do?

Next in order, like any good gambling problem, is recognizing the problem. I'm assuming you want to get him/her back. Of course you do. So, STOP. Stop every little shenanigan you're pulling in hopes of getting them back. It's not good for anything except maybe going to jail.

The solution is sitting in your lap and it's your responsibility.

But, to the point of the real question, I propose you follow these few simple steps:
  • Recognize that you *might* have been a contributor to the break up.
  • Reflect on how you got them to like you in the first place. There is something you can leverage in your favor.
  • Reclaim that confidence you once had...the confidence that your significant other was so attracted to in the first place.
Basically folks, I wholeheartedly believe that for each and every one of us there is hope to be reunited with our loved ones. What I urge for you guys is to never give in. Never say, "oh that's just the way it is."

I was in your shoes once. The best advice I can give you is to never give up. Like I said before: the anonymity of the internet does wonders for connecting with people.

Obviously I didn't "see the light" all on my own. For me, like you, it was all up to my ACTIONS. I can only point you in the right direction.

Hope this helps